I finally got tired of not have any content whatsoever on my personal website. And for those of you keeping track, yes… it has been at least 8-years since my last update. What can I say, it takes quite a bit for me to get “fed up” with anything.

So, in an attempt to make is stupid-easy for me to update whatever content I want to put here I have installed WordPress and turned this pointless website into a pointless blog (one thing at a time, OK?).

Do I expect updates to happen more often? Yes, at least more than ZERO a year (don’t quote me on that). Under-promise and over-deliver. See, I did learn something in the last 8-years!

Does anybody care? Probably not, but I’m so not worried about that. Sometimes one needs an outlet to bitch, rant and/or vent, and in some rare occasion even share something useful with the world. We’ll see how it goes this time around.